Current Transformer LMK-0.66 Ф80


Plastic Shell Current Transformer LMK (BH)-0.66 Ф60,  500/5A, 600/5A, 750/5A, 800/5A, 1000/5A, 1200/5A, 1500/5A, 2000/5A

Current Transformer LMK (BH)-0.66

  1. Introduction
  • LMK(BH)-0.66, LMK3(BH)-0.66 series current transformers are indoor devices. It is used for current and energy measurement and insulation protection in AC lines with a rated frequency of 50 Hz and a rated voltage of 0.66 kV or less.
  • Product standard: GB/T 20840.1&2
  1. Applicable Environmental Conditions
    • The installation altitude does not exceed 1000m;
    • The temperature of the surrounding medium is -5~+40℃
    • The relative humidity of the air is not more than 80%;
    • There is no dirty, corrosive and explosive medium that seriously affects the insulation of the transformer at the installation site.
  1. Technical Parameters
Accuracy Class Rated Voltage Rated Frequency Rated Primary Current Rated Secondary Current Rated Load Withstand Voltage
Class 0.5, Class 0.2, Class 0.5S, Class 0.2S 660V 50Hz 5-3000A 5A, 1A See it in in Chart below 3kV/ 1min

LMK (BH)-0.66 Rated Load

Model Rated Current Primary/ Secondary Busbar Number of Turn-throughs Rated Load Accuracy Class
Sectional Dimension (mm2) Number
LMK-0.66 Ф20 75/5 20X10 1 1 3.75 0.5
100/5 20X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
150/5 20X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.2
LMK-0.66 Ф30 30/5 5 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
50/5 3 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
75/5 2 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
100/5 2 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
150/5 30X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
200/5 30X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
250/5 30X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
300/5 30X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
LMK-0.66 Ф40 150/5 40X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
200/5 40X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
250/5 40X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
300/5 40X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
400/5 40X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
500/5 40X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
600/5 40X10 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
LMK-0.66 Ф50 300/5 50X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
400/5 50X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
500/5 50X10 1 1 5-3.75 0.5, 0.2
600/5 50X10 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
750/5 50X10 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
800/5 50X10 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
1000/5 50X10 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
LMK-0.66 Ф60 300/5 60X20 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
400/5 60X20 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
500/5 60X20 1 1 5-3.75 0.5
600/5 60X20 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
750/5 60X20 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
800/5 60X20 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
1000/5 60X20 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
1200/5 60X20 1 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
1500/5 60X20 1 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
2000/5 60X20 1 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
LMK-0.66 Ф80 500/5 80X10 60X30 1-2 1 5-3.75 0.5
600/5 80X10 60X30 1-2 1 10-3.75 0.5
750/5 80X10 60X30 1-2 1 10-3.75 0.5
800/5 80X10 60X30 1-2 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
1000/5 80X10 60X30 1-2 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
1200/5 80X10 60X30 1-2 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
1500/5 80X10 60X30 1-2 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
2000/5 80X10 60X30 1-2 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
LMK-0.66 Ф100 750/5 100X10 80X30 1-2 1 10-3.75 0.5
800/5 100X10 80X30 1-2 1 10-3.75 0.5
1000/5 100X10 80X30 1-2 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
1200/5 100X10 80X30 1-2 1 10-3.75 0.5, 0.2
1500/5 100X10 80X30 1-2 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
2000/5 100X10 80X30 1-2 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
2500/5 100X10 80X30 1-2 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
3000/5 100X10 80X30 1-2 1 20-3.75 0.5, 0.2
LMK-0.66 Ф120 1500/5 120X10 80X30 1-2 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
2000/5 120X10 80X30 1-2 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
2500/5 120X10 80X30 1-2 1 15-3.75 0.5, 0.2
3000/5 120X10 80X30 1-2 1 20-3.75 0.5, 0.2
4000/5 120X10 80X30 1-2 1 20-3.75 0.5, 0.2
5000/5 120X10 80X30 1-2 1 20-3.75 0.5, 0.2
  1. Key Parts and Structure

The transformer shell is made of PC alloy material, the iron core is made of ordinary silicon steel sheet or ultra-microcrystalline material, and the secondary winding is wound with 100% pure copper wire.

  1. Installation, Using and Maintenance
  • Transformers can be installed vertically or horizontally;
  • The copper cross-section of the connecting wire connected to the secondary instrument and the relay is not less than 2.5mm’, the secondary terminals are marked as S1, S2, when the current flows from PI to P2, the secondary current flows from S1 to S2 through the external circuit , The transformer is depolarized;
  • When the primary unit is connected with current, the secondary winding is strictly forbidden to open circuit to prevent high voltage;
  • The storage place of the transformer should be dry and ventilated, and the long-term storage should be packed in a carton or wooden box;
  • If the transformer storage period is more than one year, the insulation resistance and power frequency withstand voltage test should be carried out. If there is any change, it should be dried:
  • Transformers shall be periodically verified to repair or replace products that fail verification.
  • For bus-type transformers, when the user uses the product as a transformer with a small transformation ratio, the user can make multiple passes through the window according to the specified data on the product nameplate to meet the user requirements. For more details, pleas see Table 1.

Table 1 Current ratio and the number of turn-throughs

150 Ampere-turns Current ratio(A) 150/5 75/5 50/5 30/5 15/5
Number of turn-throughs 1 2 3 5 10
200 Ampere-turns Current ratio(A) 200/5 100/5 50/5 40/5 20/5
Number of turn-throughs 1 2 4 5 10
  1. Appearance and Installation Dimensions

Table 2 Installation Dimensions of Transformers (mm)

Model H W D a e Фd f Notes
Solid 87 68 40 Chart 1
Ф20 87 68 42 23 7 20 37 Chart 2
Ф30 79 60 37 30.5 11 23 31 Chart 3:0.5 Class
100 75 42 31 11 23 44.5 0.2, 0.5S, 0.2S Class
Ф40 99 75 40 42.5 11 31.5 43 Chart 4
Ф50 99 82 40 51 16 37 50 Chart 5
Ф60 126 102 40 60 20 45 50 Chart 6
Ф80 118 125 40 82 11 52 50 Chart 7
Ф100 136 170 41 104 30 60 51 Chart 8
Ф120 136 190 41 125 25 62 51 Chart 9
Ф140 153 206 45 142 30 67 51 Chart 12
Ф30 100 75 42 31 11 44.5 Chart 10
Ф40 100 75 45 42 31 44 Chart 11
Ф50 106 87 45 52 31 54
Ф60 112 99 45 62 31.5 54
Ф80 120 118 45 83 32 60
Ф100 124 140 49 102 32 50
Ф120 154 165 49 122 52 54
Ф130 161 180 48 132 62 59 Chart 13

current transformer dimensions

  1. Installation Methods

current transformer installation methods