Airtac GL600-20 Lubricator


AirTAC GL600-20 Lubricator + GFR600-20 Filter& Regulator = GFC600-20 FR.L. Combination

Airtac GL600-20 Lubricator

Product feature

  1. The structure of oil dripping adopts gap seal type, which makes the adjustment of oil supply more reliable.
  2. Oil feed ring can only make one full turn. Thequantity of oil supply basically takes on linear distribution. The quantity of oil supply can be generally calculated according to the position of graduation ring.
  3. Special drip nozzle structure will produce negative pressure in oil dripping outlet and the mist flow is minimal.
  4. Filling of oil while the lubricator is under pressure is made possible, and the oil bowl is large;
  5. The bracket can be selected for installation.

Ordering Code

GL Ordering Code


Model GL200-06 GL200-08 GL300-08 GL300-10 GL300-15 GL400-10 GL400-15 GL600-20 GL600-25
Fluid Air
Port size 1/8″ 1/4″ 1/4” 3/8″ 1/2″ 3/8″ 1/2″ 3/4″ 1”
Pressure range 0.05-0.9MPa(7-130psi)
Proof pressure 1.5MPa(215psi)
Temperature range -5-70℃
Capacity of oil bowl 25CC 75CC 160CC 380CC
Recommended lubricant ISO VG 32 or equivalent
Weight 130g 360g 670g 1300g


GL600 Dimensions